Wednesday, July 28, 2010

JP's time in the military has ended....

JP Borda   of  and PBS'  Bad Voodoo  fame
has posted the news that his  Time in the Military is officially over

Thank You! JP, for your service to our country,
 and also for all you have done to promote Milblogs!!

(he's forever changed the way I read a Milblog, btw.....First thing I do when I come across a new-to-me Milblog is to check at to see if it's listed,LOL)

Wishing you and your family all the best in the future, it's been an honor and a privilege to 'meet' you through Milblogging, and be able to support you in some small way through your deployments.....and then to 'meet' you and your family in person, y'all are just some plain 'good folks'!:)

1 comment:

JP said...

Thank you for all your support over the years! Feels great to give my family some peace of mind. Hope to see you soon!