Last one of 2007...Wow, where did the year Go?!
There were tons of holiday posts by and about Soldiers Angels since Christmas, and I know I'd never be able to include them all.
So, I'd like to feature what I think is a most important post by Sgt. Hook
as it says once again why I continue to support Soldiers Angels, no matter what kind of 'grade' they receive from AIP.
And, because this post combines a story about both veterans, and adoption, two subjects of great interest to me, here's a post by Greta at Soldiers Angels Louisiana
(and,btw, Greta will be facing surgery directly after the New Year rolls in.....please keep her in your thoughts and prayers!)
This was a great post Magi Inspired Gift #9 , that touts two of my faves....
Soldiers Angels AND , among several other very worthy troop support groups.
I came across posts by Three 'New-to-me" Angels, nice way to end the year :)
1. Click here: Inside Out - I'm An Angel! An enthusiastic new Angel who 'gets it'.
2. And these are 'two teenage girls dedicating our time in efforts to save the earth" at, appropriately enough Save the Earth.....and they urge others to Adopt A Soldier
3. Support My Troops is a husband and wife team with the wife getting ready to deploy in January, and they are listing support groups for the troops, awesome! and of course I came across them because of their post Soldiers Angels
Lastly, as she does every week...Life in the Northeast posts for us to Remember
This week's featured Blog of the Week will be Soldiers Angels Medical Support
Thanks! as always, for going on this 'surf' with me. I've enjoyed this the past year, and look forward to 'surfing' with all of you in the coming year! :)
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