Tuesday, October 18, 2011

This and That..

just a couple of random things I found interesting to pass on...on Facebook, I used the 'recommend' or 'like' button for these stories, but not everyone is on Facebook , so I wanted to be sure to pass these on

from fayobserver.com, Virginia to Honor Army Chaplain killed in 1918

recently, our local paper did a story about the replacement of a headstone for a local Revolutionary War soldier, in that story, though, they mentioned the amazing story of one of his grandsons(I think?), who served in the Civil War....I found a link on Find-A-Grave for Capt John H. Rolston  go read the amazing story of how he returned home 2 days before his funeral was scheduled..wish I was a writer, there's definitely a good story in here, I think!! can you imagine the Rejoicing that must've gone on?? talk about Lazarus!

and lastly, the DC World War I Memorial restoration is nearly complete, you can go see more about this HERE 

thanks for stopping by to read :)

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