Saturday, March 27, 2010

5th Annual Milblog Conference,April 9-10

Even though I can't go to this:( there's no reason I can't pass it on.....


Fifth Annual Milblog Conference, April 9/10: There is still time to register

I've been able to make it to two of these conferences over the past few years, if you have a chance to go? it's a blast!:) meeting folks in person you've interacted with online, gazing in awe from afar at the 'rock stars' of the Milblog world,lol.......and just generally having a fantastic, fun-filled day of learning and sharing.

Andi always does a great job putting it together, and I'm sure the Fifth one will totally Rock!

Go, if you can :)

(and I'll be at work that day,lol, thinking of all of you there!)

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