Monday, March 23, 2009

Godspeed, Sgt. Christopher Abeyta

JP has the story here, on

Honoring a Fallen Soldier, Avid Writer and Military Blogger, Sgt. Christopher P. Abeyta

Please go read.

Update: A blogger from the Nangarhar Provincial Reconstruction Team posts about the loss of Sgt. Christopher Abeyta, and also SSgt Timothy Bowles, , SPC Robert Weinger and SPC Norman Cain. A Year in the Sandbox: IED

and Blackfive posts also, with the address for sending donations in Sgt. Abeyta's memory, for the son and step-daughter of Spc. Cain. Milblogger Down

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Ohh I love the new look.
Update: mark is being deployed again. He leaves for training in June. Reality is slwoly creeping in.