UPDATE: Dec.3.2010: Interesting, in checking out the links on my post here, it seems that now some of the things they linked to have totally disappeared.
Local Fallen Hero, Army Spc. Brian M. ('Bucky') Anderson died
June 12, 2010 in service to our country.
On June 26, I linked in
this post to a blog post by a local graphic artist, about a memorial for Bucky Anderson....(the link now says "Page not found")
In the past few days, our local newspaper and local TV station have broken stories with questions about the memorial and controversy over it......see
HERE for the latest WHSV TV story and
HERE for the beginning of the article in The Daily News-Record (the rest is behind a subscription wall)
In the Daily News-Record story, the attorney for the graphic artist is quoted as saying this memorial was "not intended to specifically honor" Bucky.
Yet, I found this June 20th WHSV TV story
Local Artist to Memorialize Soldier's Sacrifice
(Update:Dec.3,2010: The discussion thread on the Sean Hannity forums now seems to have completely disappeared, so I have struck-through the original posted item)
On the Sean Hannity Discussion forums, I found this thread HERE and this was posted at the end of the thread:
"Help us Erect a Memorial in Honor of SPC Brian Bucky Anderson
Heroes Fallen Studios Inc. a 501-c3 (still awaiting tax exempt status from IRS) along with Florida Fallen Heroes.org & VFW Post 9660 in Broadway VAis seeking donations for Memorial Statue to be erected in Broadwayy VA . for SPC Brian "Bucky" Anderson KIA June 12th 2010. If interested please contact me at cmerwin6@gmail.com . Thank you! Here is a link to the information on SPC Anderson http://heroesfallen.blogspot.com/2010/06/r.html "
From the Shenandoah Journal comes this July 13th story
Carwash helps fund soldier's memorial
(Update:Dec.3,2010: the link here has also disappeared, so again, I struck-through the original posted item)
and on this cached Google page Here is a snapshot of a page from the aforementioned graphic artist's blog as it appeared on Aug.10,2010....with one of the pertinent (now disappeared ) links as below:
Celebrity Car-wash Fundraiser for SPC Brian Bucky Anderson July 10th Timberville VA
Jul 2, 2010
We have raised so far $4,050.00 of the $6,800.00 needed for the memorial for Bucky. We hope this event will push us over the top. Once we have reached the goal amount We will post it here and on our main website that donations will no longer be...
I also found the web page for
Florida Fallen Heroes ,which was the company that
Mr. Merwin stated was going to provide the memorial?
After posting information about Florida Fallen Heroes a few days ago, I was contacted by the President of Florida Fallen Heroes, who wished to clarify that
Florida Fallen Heroes "in no way raised any monies for the monument"
(It appears that they were simply a company that was contacted BY Mr.Murwin, and they would refer any further questions About Mr. Murwin's involvement with them, to Mr. Murwin himself)
In closing........I don't know where this story will end up heading? but it makes me incredibly sad for the Anderson family, that this whole controversy has arisen.
UPDATE 11/7/10: I was kind of astonished, that my posting here (on what I admit is a 'D' list type of blog in the scheme of blogging, I have no illusions about my blog :) would generate these 2 posts in response:
Bouhammer Steps in to the Merwin/Anderson Controversy
What Would Bucky Do?
Those 2 posts are by folks who freely admit that they are friends of
Mr.Merwin(or Murwin,I'm unsure of the spelling?)( Update: apparently the correct spelling IS" Murwin.")
I have never met Mr. Murwin, nor have I met the Anderson family......some of my sons knew him, and my husband and I
stood with the Patriot Guard Riders at Bucky's funeral
but I don't think the questions that the community is asking of Mr.Murwin:
1. where is the memorial?
2. or where is the money that was raised for the memorial?
are so 'slanderous and libelous' (as Anonymous posted in the comments), or such unreasonable questions, that the proper response to them would be to malign a grieving family and community for Asking those questions?
just my opinion......
UPDATE 11/8/10 Wow, I'm speechless.......(and apparently,'ignorant' or at best 'uninformed'?)
In an effort to present all sides of this story? I direct you to this post over at
A Soldiers Perspective
Hero Maker Under Fire