Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Milblog News Roundup

The biggest news in the world of Milblogging is, of course, the death of Maj. Andrew Olmsted.
JP at Milblogging.com has one of the many posts up about it

Tragic News: Top Military Blogger Dies In Iraq; Read His Final Post

but I also wanted to include a link to a post about it by a friend on AOL, which I found interesting because she included the poll that AOL had with the news story....and it says that 81% of the people responding to the polls Never read milblogs.

Death of a Hero

For those of us who spend so much time reading, and writing, milblogs? I thought it was interesting to note that so Few people even know about them yet.

Please go read the post that Major Olmsted left, to be posted in the event of his death. It's powerfully moving.

And please, if you pray? remember his family and friends in your prayers.
Soldiers Angels Texas had a story that I thought was worth passing on, about one young man's view of the Patriot Guard Riders.
A Special Story

And this I found very intriguing..... Red Stick Rant posts about a blog where someone is posting the letters of a British soldier from World War I.

WW1: Experiences of an English Soldier

(and one of the best books I read last year, which taught me a lot about World War I that I never knew, was A World Undone by G.J. Meyer )

A Soldier's Mind tells about a film I'd like to see.
Filmaker Depicts the Good Works of Troops

Gazing at the Flag tells us how to vote for a National Guard Soldier to be in a fianlist position in the Miss America pageant.
Vote for Sgt. Jill Stevens-Miss Utah

Milblogging.com also announces their new Platoon website is up
New and Improved Bad Voodoo website launched!

and lastly, it's not news from a Milblog...but the El Paso times updates us on Spc. John Johnson and his wife,Lisa, who as you may recall, lost all 3 of their children in a tragic car accident.
Soldier,wife start anew after tragic crash.

Just a little bit of what's out there, in Milblogs.

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