Wednesday, November 19, 2008

More Valour-IT news....Valour-IT Featured on Moment of Thanks

Valour-IT Featured on Moment of Thanks

Project Valour-IT is currently featured on Moment of Thanks (MoT) in conjunction with Valour-IT's online fundraiser, which runs through Thanksgiving Day. A supporter of Soldiers' Angels since the site began, MoT is now featuring videos from the recent Soldiers' Angels Gala on its front page, and has set aside space specifically to highlight Valour-IT's history and impact.

Since its kickoff last July 4th, MoT has gathered videos, photos, and texts of gratitude for the troops from thousands of everyday people, as well as famous names in sports, politics, entertainment and military service. This month, in honor of Veterans Day, MoT is inviting visitors to share stories of a personal hero who is also a veteran.

If you're a servicemember or part of a military family, Moment of Thanks is a great reminder of how many people appreciate the service of you and your family. If you're a civilian, it's a testament to the service so many have given us, and the "silent majority" who continue to love and care for our military even when they are no longer on the front pages.

Check it out! And don't forget the special Valour-IT page, too!

(Author's note: Check out the videos from Patti and Greta and the rest of the great videos linked on the video page:)

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