Don't forget the Virtual Veteran's Day Parade
that's going to be hosted on the YouServed blog on Veteran's Day
and the direct link to the parade is A Pittance of Time:Honoring Veterans
To all the Veterans, and most especially to all the Veteran's in my life......Tony,Dustin, Dad, and Lynn..... (and remembering Grandad,and Dad's brothers)
Thank you, for serving.
Kathi many thanks to all in your family who have served, and to those who still are serving. Thanks to you as well, for ALWAYS being there to support our troops!!
Kathi, thank you. I miss my Dad today and I am so grateful for his service and sacrifice.
I just put this on my journal :)
Love, Laini
Soldier's Angel Cyndy.
Once again Kathi for keeping me in the loop. I have the video "A Pittance of time" if you like I will forward it to you.I use Rememberence Day to give thanks to all the Hero's through all the years. Including My two Brothers,My Father,My Uncle. and Soldier's of all Nations who join in the common cause to fight for our freedom.They never ask anything for themselves, just to be remembered, and That we do and always will. I just hope the young people of today will continue to Remember the Hero's. "God Bless them All" May Angels watch over them always.Take care my friend stay safe and once again Thank you for giving me the honor to be able to say Thank you.
Angel Hugs
Your mate in Australia
Cyndy and the 3 Amigo's
Oh, this is so cool! I wasn't online at all yesterday (Veteran's Day).....
I did hear a moving song, sung by Pat Garvey, at a fundraiser, called The Wall. It was in reference to Vietnam soldiers and their families. E's sister is a Gold Star Wife (Vietnam War widow), who was visiting, so it seemed especially fitting.
Kathi, I love your float!! The pics are wonderful. TY to all in your family for their service!
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